Male Hormone Replacement

Hormone issues for both women and men are individualized so wouldn't it make sense that the treatments should be individualized as well. Since our opening in 1999, Med Specialties has specialized in offering testing services, consultation and prescription therapy for patients who desire a more natural approach to their hormonal care.
Headaches — Notebook With Notes in Yorba Linda, CA
Our Step By Step Program includes:
1) Saliva or blood serum hormone testing
2) Filling out our Individualized
hormone evaluation
3) In-0person or over the phone consulting with our Bio-Identical Hormone specialist
4) A recommendation to the health care professional of your choice is made
5) Compounding and initiation of your therapy
6) Nutritional supplementation
7) Free follow up services throughout your therapy with us
Do you completely understand what you need hormonally? Do you want to make sure you are not using any unnecessary treatments that may potentially increase your risk for other conditions such as cancer?

Stop the guess work and take control of your care. Start the process today.
Symptoms are often resolved with appropriate bio-identical hormone replacement therapy:
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decrease muscle mass
  • Low sex drive
  • Decreased energy
  • Weight gain

BHRT For Men

Weight gain, erectile dysfunction, lack of energy, decreased muscle mass. All of these symptoms and more can be related to common imbalances in a man's hormone levels. After the age of 40 testosterone levels tend to decrease and estrogen (the female hormone) levels tend to increase. These imbalances along with potential discrepancies in cortisol, the stress hormone, can result in many unwanted symptoms. These are private issues and our home test kits allow you to collect a saliva sample in the privacy of your own home. Our male hormone specialist is also available to review your lab results with you and recommend a potential treatment option if necessary. Don't wait another day, find out why you have not been feeling yourself.

Hormone Testing

Who cares more about your health than you? Our site gives you the ability to accurately test lab levels in the privacy of your own home. The results are then sent directly to you for personal review and evaluation. Saliva hormone testing and blood spot testing can help take the guesswork out of hormone balance.
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